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- Registered under Andhra Pradesh societies registration Act 35 of 2001 with Registration Number:662/2007 dated 19thApril, 2007
- PAN (Permanent Account Number): AAIAK0644F
- Registered under section of 12A of Income Tax Act of 1961
- Registered under section of 80G of Income Tax Act of 1961
- Registered to receive foreign donations through FCRA no: 010230966 with Ministry of Home Affairs
Envision a child, safe and joyous childhood, free from all forms of exploitation
Ensure every child a childhood, free from all fears, engulfed with joy and power to remove disability, regain dignity, and move from strength to strength, achieving ability, gaining growth, striding ahead safe and sure of a purposeful and peaceful tomorrow.
- To provide good quality education for the under deprived children in the slum areas.
- To work towards the mainstreaming of children through formal education system.
- To sensitize children in difficult circumstances, Government functionaries and civil society to the issue of child rights.
- To prioritize the need for repatriation (where ever possible) of children in difficult circumstances with their families and strengthen their family based care system for further growth and development of children.
- To create opportunities for children for the age group of 8-14 years for skill learning with basic education for better livelihood.
- To identify, rescue and rehabilitate children in difficult circumstances.
- Educate, train and motivate people to be of help and assistance to the poor and the needy.
- Undertake social service schemes for the benefit of the poor, orphaned, destitute, street children, alcoholics, drug addicts, the differently abled, mentally challenged and those suffering from terminal diseases.
- Cooperate with the government and non-governmental agencies in carrying out charitable and relief work.
- Provide food, clothing, shelter and cash grants to the poor, the orphaned and others in need and make grants for the support of inmates of orphanages, rescue homes, rehabilitation centres and similar institutions.
- Work in partnership with and support other groups and organisations who subscribe to these aims and objectives.
- To sensitize children in difficult circumstances, Government functionaries and civil society to the issue of child rights.
- To create opportunities for bridge education for the children who have / never been to school or those who have long gap in their education
Core Values
The values that members of Karuna share and work towards a society that would:
- Strives for knowledge and equality
- Supports personal growth
- Act and interact with empathy with all the Foundation’s beneficiaries
- Promote respect, team working and initiative
- Act pragmatically, fairly and responsibly
- Fosters a sense of community
- Emphasis’ on empowerment
- Is ecologically responsible
- Believe in partnership and team work
- Function with Humility, Humanity and Integrity
Core Strengths
- Strong presence in the communities working for
- Good Administration system and sound financial system.
- Well reputed organization and occupied with infrastructure and assets.
- Advocating to enhance the quality of human lives
- Coordination with Government and Public sector organisations.
- Linkages with different formal and informal leaders and other NGO’s.
- Experience of implementing multiphase projects.
- Professional volunteers like scientists and other skilled experienced staff being there.
- Experience of working with National and International agencies
- Experience working with corporate under Community Social Responsibility component
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